Consistency in Parenting

I want to talk a little about consistency today.  It really gets under my skin when someone says one thing, but does another.  Living a duplicitous lifestyle.  We wouldn't want our kids doing one thing with us, but doing completely the opposite when they're with their friends.  I know it happens, but we don't want it to happen do we?  It all boils down to integrity - doing the right thing when no one is looking.  But how many times do we do that as a parent without realizing it?

I'm not necessarily talking about morally doing the wrong thing behind our kids' backs when we say or do the opposite while in their presence.  Although, that's not good either.  I am talking about making decisions that apply to one child and then being consistent with child 2, 3, 4, etc.  I have a pretty bad memory problem.  Which is troublesome when it comes to being consistent.  I may make a parenting decision with one child, but forget what I said with that child when it comes to the same thing with child number two.  Especially, if it is years later.

Now, I know each child's personality is completely different and some need different parenting styles.  That is o.k. in my opinion.  But in all fairness, remembering how we ruled with child number one when child number two, or three, on down the line grow(s) up then I think that gives us more credibility.

Sometimes parenting is making spur of the moment decisions.  That is harder to remember that decision if the same scenario comes up with the next child.  But when we have to make the more difficult decisions, ask yourselves the big "why?" before you get asked.  You know they will ask you, so do a little homework ahead of time to find out why you and your spouse are making the decision.  What is the end goal that you are trying to accomplish?  What lesson are you trying to instill?  The more questions you are able to answer, the better equipped you will be to making the same decision consistently with each child and every time the same decision comes up.  And, by all means pray together with your spouse on those big decisions as well.  Thanks for reading.  I would love to hear your thoughts on being a consistent parent.
