Like I mentioned last time, our youth group is going through Daniel chapters 1 through 6. This week we look at chapter 2. In this chapter, all the astrologers and wise men of Babylon were asked to do the unthinkable. Tell Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, what he dreamed and its interpretation! And if they couldn't, the unimaginable would happen to them - death by cutting into pieces and their houses destroyed. Wow! What a demand and what a consequence! Daniel hears about the demand from the king only because he was about to be taken to be killed. His first response was to ask. He asked what the problem was. Daniel seems so calm and collected under pressure. At least that is the way the Bible portrays him. His second response was to ask for prayer from his friends. And his final response was to give glory to God, "No wise man, enchanter, magician or diviner can explain to the king the mystery he has asked about, but there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries" (Daniel 2:27 and 28a).
Daniel's response got me thinking about parenting. How often do we give credit to God for what goes on in our lives? Even the little things. The more we live our lives that way, the more our kids will likely be willing to live their lives that way too. After all, our faith is more caught than taught anyway. We can tell our kids to give glory to God until we're blue in the face. But when we do it ourselves it speaks volumes. As you go about your day today, think about what our sovereign God is up to - and give Him credit where credit is due.
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