Giving Thanks...Always?


give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.

                                                                                        ~1 Thessalonians 5:18, NIV

O.k. so it was Thanksgiving Day yesterday.  Once a year we gather together as a family to eat, spend time together, maybe watch a football game or two, and remember what we're thankful for.  But what about the other 364 days of the year?  What about during a pandemic?  What about when there seems to be so much turmoil and fighting?  What about when tragedy strikes your own home?  Those are not easy questions to answer.  And it's certainly not easy to thank God for those circumstances.   So, why does He want us to thank Him for them?

Giving thanks shows that the person we are thanking knows what they're doing.  In our family, my wife does most of the cooking.  The kids and I have developed a habit to thank her for making the meal every time.  Even if we don't like what she has prepared.  This is rarely the case for me.  But we still should have an attitude of gratitude for the work she has put in to feed our faces.  Thanking her admits to her that she knows what she is doing.  She is making sure we are well nourished.  Sometimes nourishment doesn't taste good for our own personal preferences, but that doesn't negate the fact that it is still good for us.  God knows what is best for us.  He sees the bigger picture.  Bad things happen to good people all the time.  Most of the time we don't see the why behind the what.  Still, God asks us, make that He tells us, to be thankful.  As hard as it is sometimes, we should develop a habit of thanking Him.

Giving thanks shows that we have faith in the one we are thanking.  In reference to thanking God, this shows Him we have faith in Him.  Being bitter and angry communicates to Him that He doesn't know what He is doing.  Yes, we have a right to be sad or to grieve when bad things happen, but ultimately thanking Him is best, because He's got everything under control.  Thanking Him shows Him that we understand that and we Give Him control of our lives.

Do your kids want to be somewhere else other than with your family?  Thank God.  While they are with you are they just on their phones or playing video games?  Thank God.  Do they only seem to bicker with each other when they are together.  Thank God.  It's easy to thank God when things are going swimmingly.  It's a test of our character to thank Him when they aren't.  I hope you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving Day.  Here's to the other 364 days of giving thanks that lie ahead this year.  What are you thankful for?  Feel free to comment in the box below.  I'd love to hear from you.
