Many Christians, and freedom activists are up in arms about the Equality Act. For years, our country's citizens and politicians have fought for equal rights in many areas. The Equality Act adds to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, among others, aiming to give the same equality previously given to African American citizens to those of the LGBTQ community as well. That's not what people are upset about, however. One statement in Section 1107 of the Equality Acts says that the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 cannot be used either to defend against or bring any accusation against those covered by the Equality Act. This country has given its citizens many freedoms, including the freedom of religion. When one Act takes away the freedoms given by one of the amendments to the constitution, then there isn't equality.
We were all created by God and are all equal before Him in Christ (Galatians 3:26-29). No person should consider themself better than any other human being. One thing that generation z should be commended for is their ability to accept all. But one thing that they can work better on is truth. God's truth has been attacked for years. We're at the point now that we don't know what truth is anymore. Romans 1:25a says "They [those who suppress the truth (see Rom. 1:18)] exchanged the truth of God for a lie..." As a punishment, God allowed those who suppressed the truth to have what their hearts desired (Rom. 1:24). That's God's truth. It may not be the truth everyone wants to hear or believe, but it's the truth that the truth maker has made.
One thing my generation and older hasn't been very good at is accepting others for who they are or who they want to be. Romans 2:1-4 lays us all flat on our faces before God and reminds us that all of us, when compared to God, are sinful. Without Christ, no religious person is any better morally than the sinner of sinners.
Here are four things I take away from Romans 2:1-4:
- God's judgment is better than our judgment.
- His judgment is based on truth and we are no better than anybody else.
- Think through what people get you to take up as a cause. Do what you can (pray, vote, petition the government). Leave the rest up to God.
- We can get all bent out of shape for the wrong reasons.
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