Light Years Away

 How do you explain something so big that no one can wrap their mind around?  I'm talking about the universe.  The universe is described as everything that exists including time and matter.  Scientists who study the cosmos estimate that the universe is somewhere between 10 and 90 billion light years across.  That is a number so large that our finite minds can't even begin to comprehend.

Creation scientists, who hold to a young Earth view, say that the Earth is only about 6000 years old.  This number can be arrived at by adding up the genealogies in Genesis.  However, we see light from other galaxies billions of light years away.  How do we explain the difference to our kids to help them with their faith when it is being smeared in the mud?

That is a difficult question for any non-scientific mind (like mine) to explain.  Evolutionists have voices in most of the high schools and universities across the United States and are hi-jacking Christian kids' minds because we don't have a good scientific explanation for the beginning of the universe.  It is hard to imagine that something so big could be created by one being.  But that's because God is no ordinary being!

By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.  ~Hebrews 11:3, NIV 

No one, except for God, was there at the beginning, whether it was 6000 years ago or billions of years ago.  It does take faith to believe that all matter that exists was created by God.  But so does believing that everything began by a giant explosion.  In the written word of God, we have what He chose to reveal to us - that He spoke and it was.  That is as good of an explanation as any.  God is so big that He created all that there is.  And a God so big can create a universe so vast that scientists may never be able to fully examine all that there is.  My hope is that you can have rational conversations with your kids about the beginning of the universe that lead to awe-inspiring worship of the only God who is worthy.
