Well, it's a new school year that is nothing like we have ever seen before in our lifetime. Back to school pictures are not necessary. Back to school clothes are not something that a lot of people shopped for this year. What people did buy in droves was chromebooks though. Online school is here. But is it here to stay? We should know the answer to that question later this year about the changes that have taken place and what will stick. There's just something that online can't replace though - personal interactions with other human beings.
We have decided to go forward with meeting in person in our youth ministry amidst a lot of people and places staying online for awhile. Yes we have to wear masks and we're supposed to stay distant from each other. We're supposed to wash our hands frequently and disinfect after each meeting. But nothing will ever replace in person interaction.
The first night of youth group for this school year we had some in person fun! Our game leaders led us in a game where teams launched multiple items in the air at the same time with a catapult, while team members needed to catch as many items as they could. We concluded our game time with the old Diet Coke and Mentos activity. One team got their Diet Coke to squirt 8 to 10 feet in the air!
It may not be the same as it always has been, but we're ready to blast off into the new normal. Are you? Is your teen? I encourage you to get back to meeting together in a safe and reasonable way. Many people are depressed and the encouragement that other people can give in person is one way to combat that.
Here are a few questions our small group leaders asked in their small group times to get to know the students better. Maybe you could ask each other as a family to get to know one another better as well.
- What do you think the purpose of life is?
- What is a way God has shown up in your life lately?
- What do you think would be your first impression of yourself?
- If you were a city, which city would you be and why?
- What does this world need more of?
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