Some of the most faithful people on the planet are missionaries. They have given up the American dream to serve God in foreign places. They are dependent upon the faithful prayer and financial support of others to help them meet their basic needs. This week was our modified missionary conference. Two missionary families stayed the entire week just to be with our youth group. We were so blessed to have them be with us. They shared a time when they needed to have faith in God and saw Him come through for them. Would your family consider supporting a missionary if you haven't already done so? Support can be prayer, financial, or both.
Here are a couple of links to check out what missionaries you can begin supporting:
Grace Ministries International
We pray for several missionary families and it is such a blessing to tell them and hear about what God is doing through them. Of course, if you're reading this, you are probably a parent of a teenager. We take teens and adults on a short term mission trip every other year. You and/or your teen could take this one step further and go on a short term mission trip yourself. You'll get to see first hand your own dependence on God to provide the funds to get there and other people's need for God in a foreign country. There aren't too many things better than knowing you've served someone and helped them out.
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